Responsible Artficial Intelligence: a guide for deliberation

Obvia's Deliberation function and Algora Lab, in partnership with CIFAR, have developed a deliberation guide entitled "Responsible Artificial Intelligence: a Guide for Deliberation" which aims to equip participants for public deliberations organized on artificial intelligence (AI).

The deployment of AI affects all of us and raises ethical and political questions that should be the subject of public deliberation. To do so, it is essential to consolidate levels of digital literacy among citizens, which translates into informing and helping citizens to better understand the issues involved around accountability in the development of AI and to participate in public deliberations on the principles and standards of its deployment. The purpose of this guide is precisely to make AI and related ethical issues accessible, and to provide an introduction to deliberation on the ethics of AI. This guide also aims to equip communities to organize their own deliberations on AI and the deployment of digital technologies in their social environment.


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