The aim of this project is to work with the Ministère de la justice du Québec (MJQ) to develop a framework for managing the personal information contained in digital legal files, and to propose concrete, innovative and technical solutions to the privacy issues raised by the dematerialization of legal files. In so doing, the project intends to encourage access to justice and foster public confidence in the justice system, by ensuring a high level of protection for the privacy rights of individuals involved in the legal process.
Main researchers
Karim Benyekhlef
Full Professor
Faculty of Law
Université de Montréal
Pierre-Luc Déziel
Associate Professor
Faculty of Law
Université Laval
Christian Gagné
Full Professor
Departement of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Université Laval
Yannick Dufresne
Associate Professor
Department of Political Science
Faculty of Social Sciences
Université Laval
Audrey Durand
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering - Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Université Laval
Céline Castets-Renard
Full Professor
Civil Law Section
Faculty of Law
University of Ottawa