This project focuses on the ethical issues raised by the design of educational technologies involving AI at three levels: data used; expertise and representations of educational players (teachers, students) within design teams; and distribution of pedagogical actions between educational technologies involving AI and educational players. The project consists of a multi-case ethnographic survey, with each case corresponding to a design team that is leading or has recently led an educational technology involving AI design project. The results will identify the actual ethical issues that arise when designing these technologies, and help promote responsible innovation in the field of AI in education.
Full Professor
Department of Language Didactics
Faculty of Education
Université du Québec à Montréal
Assistant Professor
Department of Teaching and Learning Studies
Faculty of Education
Université Laval
Department of Computer Science
Faculty of Science
Université du Québec à Montréal
Professor of Philosophy
Cégep du Vieux Montréal