Adapting the Responsible Innovation in Health (RIH) tool to the specificities of digital technologies and AI in healthcare and assessing its reliability. A mixed study integrating a knowledge mobilization strategy

This project aims to help clinicians and managers discern reliable applications and assist them in their choice to collaborate (or not) with new industry players by adapting the RIH tool designed and validated to guide the development of healthcare intervention devices and modalities. To this end, this project aims to (1) identify the specific features that the RIH tool must integrate by conducting a comparative analysis of available tools to define the ethical, legal and social issues of digital technologies and AI in health; (2) integrate the results of this analysis into the RIH tool and assess its reliabilitý with 25 AI applications in health; and (3) deploy an "integrated" interdisciplinary and cross-sector knowledge mobilization strategy.

Main researchers


Carl-Maria Mörch

FARI - AI for the Common Good Institute
Université Libre de Bruxelles

Kathy Malas

Directrice de la recherche, innovation et apprentissage


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