A virtual community of patients and citizens (COMVIP): an inclusive, multi-generational panel for optimal use of digital and AI in healthcare

This project aims to create a virtual community of patient and citizen partners (COMVIP) to foster responsible innovation and optimal use of digital health and AI by all, particularly by so-called vulnerable groups. Founded on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion, this base of citizen expertise will bring together the elderly, people living with disabilities, vulnerable young people and people from cultural minorities, who will be able to acquire knowledge, share their experiences and help each other in this process of digital appropriation, and contribute to the co-development of innovative strategies to support these groups.

Main researcher


Collaboratrices et collaborateurs

France Nadeau

Chef de service aux affaires administratives et scientifiques de la recherche
CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale

Marie-France Allen

Cheffe de service
Bureau de gestion de projets de recherche
CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale

Carole Rivard-Lacroix

Association des étudiantes et des étudiants de l’Université du 3e âge de Québec

Olivier Collomb d'Eyrames

ROP 03 - Regroupement des organismes de personnes handicapées de la région de la Capitale-Nationale

Guy Poulin

Citoyen partenaire et cotitulaire de la Chaire de recherche en santé durable


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