A strategic partnership to increase understanding of AI issues

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Press release

Obvia and IVADO announce strategic partnership to increase mutual understanding of AI issues between humanities and social sciences and science and engineering stakeholders

Obvia and IVADO today unveil a strategic partnership, consolidating a pre-existing academic collaboration, which aims to promote cooperation and knowledge exchange between researchers and students in the humanities, social sciences and health sciences, on the one hand, and technology researchers and students specializing in AI development, on the other.

Indeed, the fundamental aim of this collaboration is to design AI training programs specifically dedicated to the humanities, social sciences and health sciences, on the one hand, and to ensure the acquisition of knowledge in the humanities, social sciences and health sciences by researchers and technology students specializing in AI development, on the other.

In short, the aim is to foster dialogue on the basis of a common language and shared knowledge between AI developers and those assessing its societal impact.

By combining their respective areas of expertise, Obvia and IVADO are committed to building bridges conducive to informed interdisciplinary dialogue. This major initiative is part of the IAR3 project, focused on the development of responsible, ethical and inclusive AI, and is in line with Obvia's strategic directions for the 2023-2028 period, as announced on October 30.

The fruit of a synergistic collaboration between Obvia and IVADO, this partnership will generate innovative, robust and sustainable training courses that lay the foundations for artificial intelligence that is in tune with the values of our societies. This extended partnership ensures that the resulting training courses are not just one-off events, but form part of a continuous learning ecosystem.

This conversation between disciplines promises a metamorphosis in our understanding and use of AI, and ushers in an era in which technology and humanity move forward together to solve the pressing challenges of our time.


Stéphanie Dufaud
Communications / Marketing Manager


Jean-Benoit Ratté
Communication Advisor 

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