Obvia launches guide to algorithmic management in the workplace

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On March 13, Obvia launched the publication Négocier la gestion algorithmique : un guide pour les acteurs du monde du travail, at a workshop attended by representatives of Quebec unions.

Written by an HEC Montréal research team affiliated with Obvia and the Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la mondialisation et le travail (CRIMT), this guide is aimed at players in the world of work who design, implement or monitor automated management systems using algorithms: staff recruitment, schedule management, performance assessment, workforce monitoring, etc.

While these systems offer significant advantages for companies, they also carry risks for workers, for example by facilitating invasive surveillance or automating discriminatory practices. The guide aims to equip players in the world of work, in particular employers and unions, to provide a better framework for the deployment of algorithmic management.

The workshop provided an opportunity for participants and members of the research team behind the guide to take stock of the issues raised by algorithmic management on work and employment, and to identify avenues for collaboration between unions and members of the Obvia research community.  

Obvia also announced the creation of a joint working group with researchers from the Industry 4.0, work and employment axis, with the aim of supporting the trade union community and federating reflections and initiatives.


Authors :

Vincent Pasquier, professeur adjoint au Département de gestion des ressources humaines de HEC Montréal ; Xavier Parent-Rocheleau, professeur adjoint au Département de gestion des ressources humaines de HEC Montréal ; Christian Lévesque, professeur titulaire au Département de gestion des ressources humaines de HEC Montréal ; Antoine Bujold, doctorant à HEC Montréal ; Kai-Hsin Hung, doctorant à HEC Montréal ; Marie-Claude Gaudet, professeure agrégée au Département de gestion des ressources humaines à HEC Montréal.

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