

Activity for students

Simuvaction on AI 2025

Simuvaction on AI is an intensive academic program bringing together university students from various fields, universities, backgrounds, and countries.
Symposium | In person

Why bother learning if I can use AI?

Following an educational exercise for international students as part of Simuvaction on AI 2025, this symposium will provide a unique opportunity to share research insights and collaborate on potential solutions, while actively engaging with the participants.


Colloquium | In person

CRDM conference on cybersecurity

Université Laval's Centre de recherche en données massives (CRDM) launches the first edition of its Colloque sur la cybersécurité. This event will bring together internationally renowned specialists, researchers, postdoctoral fellows and students, offering a unique plat ...
Workshop | Hybrid


ADOR-IA is a unique opportunity to work with a multidisciplinary team to reflect on addressing the challenges of responsible AI development and operationalization.
Conference | Hybrid

Reading club

This is the second in a series of lectures on key works in the field of law, cyberjustice and cybersecurity. In the form of a reading circle, Prof. Benoît Dupont will present his work, and a referee from another discipline, in this case Prof. Hugo Loiseau, will comment on ...