Become a member

Become a member researcher

With financial support from the Fonds de recherche du Québec, Obvia’s mission is, through critical interrogation,  to identify the societal issues of AI and digital technologies, and to contribute to solutions that place living beings and the biosphere at the center of their development and deployment cycle. Obvia’s research community, in collaboration with civil society, public actors, industry and developers, generates open knowledge and supports individual and collective capabilities. 

Obvia aims to distinguish itself through the quality of its research on the societal impacts of AI and digital technology and by its ability to bring together a host of researchers with varied expertise working in interdisciplinarity and intersectorality within eight major research themes.

Among other benefits, the Observatory’s member researchers and their student(s) have access to resources and knowledge to help them obtain research grants and scholarships, complete research projects, organize activities, and network with other stakeholders interested in the impacts of artificial intelligence and digital technology.

Membership Request

Researchers interested in joining the Observatory are invited to complete this form: are reviewed by the Scientific Committee or a sub-committee formed for that purpose and approved by the Scientific Committee.

Applicants must:

  • be supervised by a regular member researcher;
  • provide a two-page CV summarizing their research activities (attached to the form below); and
  • present a statement of intent for their participation in Obvia’s research activities.

Member researcher categories

Within Obvia, member researchers are grouped into five categories:

Regular member researcher*

Regular member researcher must:

  • Be affiliated with a post-secondary teaching institution ;
  • Hold a PhD ;
  • Make meaningful contribution to Obvia’s work and activities through scientific productions (suc as research projects funded by a recognized funding agency, regular publications, communications, or student management) ;
  • Plan to actively participate in the Observatory’s scientific life and its activities, such as seminars, symposiums, calls for projets, committees, and juries.

* In accordance with the Common General Rules of the Fonds de recherche du Québec, a regular member researcher or associate researcher affiliated with a post-secondary educational institution outside Quebec is not eligible to be delegated to manage part of the research funds. Consequently, they may not serve as the principal investigator for funding applications submitted within the framework of them as a co-investgator. However, they may be reimbursed for expenses incurred for participation in the funded research upon the submission of invoices. 

Associate member researcher*

Associate member researcher must :

  • Be affiliated with a post-secondary teaching institution ;
  • Hold a PhD ;
  • Contribute to Obvia’s work and activities through scientific productions (such as research projects funded by a recognized funding agency, regular publications, communications, or student management)
  • Plan to participate in the Observatory’s activities (such as seminars, symposiums, and calls for projects).

* In accordance with the Common General Rules of the Fonds de recherche du Québec, a regular member researcher or associate researcher affiliated with a post-secondary educational institution outside Quebec is not eligible to be delegated to manage part of the research funds. Consequently, they may not serve as the principal investigator for funding applications submitted within the framework of the Observatory’s calls for projects or have such funding transferred to them as a co-investigator. However, they may be reimbursed for expenses incurred for participation in the funded research upon the submission of invoices.

Post-secondary member researcher

Post-Secondary Member Researchers who do not qualify for the status of regular or associate member researcher may become post-secondary member researchers if they respect the following conditions:

  • Are affiliated with a post-secondary teaching institution with headquarters in the province of Quebec;
  • Directly relate their teaching and/or scientific productions to Obvia’s work and activities;
  • Plan to participate in the Observatory’s activities, such as seminars, symposiums, calls for projects, committees, and juries.

Student member researcher

A Student member researcher must :

  • Be a student ;
  • Whose thesis, directed work or internship is integrated into Obvia’s scientific program and activities;
  • Who is supervised or co-supervised by one of Obvia’s regular or associate members or participates in Obvia’s projects and activities.

The status of student member researcher terminates once the student has completed their studies.

Collaborating Member Researcher

Collaborating Member Researcher must :

  • Be a professor or lecturer in an academic or university environment or work at a partner organization;
  • Contribute on a recurring or ad hoc basis to research activities necessary for the completion of a project that is part of Obvia’s scientific program or provide their expertise to Obvia members.


All member researchers are called upon to promote Obvia’s activities, to contribute to its scientific development, to support its functions and research themes, and to contribute to the Observatory’s scientific reputation and growth.

In accordance with FRQ’s requirements, they must, to the extent possible:

  • promote co-productions with other Obvia members (primarily publications, communications, and joint funding applications);
  • support the mutual integration of members in their research, productions, and scientific activities;
  • Participate in the meetings of the Assembly of Researchers, a body for deliberation and scientific orientation and a space for developing the Observatory’s collective intellectual and scientific life;
  • Clearly mention and highlight Obvia’s contribution in all capacities (such as through funding, administration or logistical support) to the production and/or completion of a scientific activity (research project, symposium, conference, roundtable, publications, etc.) or training;
  • Participate, within the framework of the mandates entrusted to them, in tasks and activities ensuring Obvia’s proper functioning;
  • Actively participate in Obvia’s activities (seminars, newsletters, symposiums, journal, website, committees, conference sessions, juries, and so on).

Duration of the member researcher status and renewals

Member researcher status is granted by the Scientific Committee for a maximum duration of two years and may be renewed. All Obvia member researchers are asked to renew their status every two years through an electronic campaign. If the member researcher expresses an interest and the status requirements are respected, the status is renewed for two years by the Scientific Committee.

Associate Member Researchers who aspire to become a Regular Member Researcher must demonstrate that they meet the requirements for regular membership and that they actively participate in Obvia's scientific life and activities, such as seminars, symposiums, calls for projects, committees, and juries.

The status of regular member may be re-evaluated at any time by the Scientific Committee.

Membership form

A confirmation will be sent to you upon receipt of your application and when it will be assessed by the Scientific Committee.

[Updated on January 19, 2023]

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