Membre chercheuse associée
ORCID thématiques
Danièle Bélanger is Professor of Geography and holder of the Senior Canada Research Chair in Global Migration Processes at the Université Laval in Québec City (Canada). She as professor of sociology at Western University (London, Canada) between 1997 and 2012. She is developing new research on the use of automation and AI in the realm of immigration selection in Canada. She is the principal investigator of a SSHRC funded project entitled ‘The new face of migration management in Canada: Digitalisation, automation and AI’. Her other and past research examines the repercussions of migration policies on migrants’ trajectories and experiences in various parts of the world; her projects particularly pay attention to temporary migrant workers, undocumented migrants, asylum seekers, refugees, marriage and other family migrants. She conducted research projects on refugee migration in the Americas (Central Americans in Mexico) and the Middle East (Syrians in Turkey). On Mexico, she is the co-author of the book Rethinking Transit Migration. Precarity, Mobility and Self-Making in Mexico (2015, Palgrave). Research results on Turkey were recently published in Mediterranean Politics (2018), Patterns of Prejudice (2019) and in the Handbook of Migration Crises (Oxford, 2019). Her migration research on Asia was published in The Annals of Social and Political Science, Current Sociology, Asian Population Studies, Asia Pacific Migration Journal and Pacific Affairs. She is the co-editor of three edited books on Vietnam published by Springer, Stanford University Press, and in the Southeast Asian Series of Cornell University.
Les effets de l'automatisation et de l'intelligence artificielle sur l'immigration au Canada
Les effets de l'automatisation et de l'IA sur l'immigration au Canada
La table ronde explorera l'impact de ces changements sur les candidats à l'immigration et sur les rôles des universités, des employeurs, et de l'industrie de la migration, réunissant des experts et chercheurs à la pointe de ces évolutions.
Webconférence: Comment former à l'éthique de l'IA en enseignement supérieur: Présentation d'un référentiel de compétences
Cette conférence est présentée dans le cadre des midis de l'éthique de l'intelligence artificielle CRÉ+OBVIA. Frédérick Bruneault et Andréane Sabourin Laflamme présenteront les grandes lignes de leur démarche et discuteront plus amplement du cadre théorique qui a présidé à ...